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Lorenz has a problem every time he eats. He has a decaying molar that his dentist will not pull out because of his age and health condition. Thus, every time he eats, the pain on his molar makes it very painful for him whenever he chews. However, he discovered that when he applies SB-10 Ionic Mineral Drops on his molar before eating, the pain goes away long enough for him to eat normally. That is why in the last five years, Lorenz never allows himself to be without SB-10.




Ramon and his wife live in Stockton. One evening, they attended a demonstration of SB-10 Ionic Mineral Drops. After the demonstration, the ladies went to the front of the room to buy the product, while Ramon and his friend waited for their wives at the back. While they were waiting, Ramon told his friend that he had some back pain. Ramon’s friend suggested he should try the product while they were waiting. Ramon decided to get a sample and rub some on his back. After 15-20 minutes, Ramon told his friend that the pain in his back was gone. Amazed with the result, he then told his friend that he and his wife will visit their close friend (kumare) the next day to share the product. The following morning, Ramon’s friend called to ask the outcome of their visit. Ramon said that their kumare applied SB-10 on her thighs and 15 minutes later, she started crying. She cried because she thought she would not be able to find anything that could relieve the pain she felt around her thighs. Ramon said that their kumare kept thanking them repeatedly for what they did for her. Ramon told her not to excessively thank them, but to thank God. To Ramon, all they did was share SB-10 Ionique Mineral Drops to a friend in need. 



Evelyn experienced and witnessed the effects of SB-10 Ionic Mineral Drops on a senior citizen friend she was regularly visiting. She saw how her elderly friend was finally able to stand up and walk again, even though she was unable to do so, without assistance, for quite some time. Moreover, Evelyn has a brother-in-law who fell off his bicycle, and for the next three months after the accident, he could not raise his left arm because of pain. According to this man, Evelyn came to visit and put 10-15 drops of SB-10 in a glass of water for him to drink. Afterwards, his shoulders were massaged with SB-10. To his amazement, after 15-20 minutes, he was able to comfortably raise his left arm for the first time since the accident. Delighted with the product, he said he was going on vacation to see his family and would bring at least 12 bottles of SB-10 to distribute to his brothers and sisters! 




A couple who manages an apartment complex in San Bruno ( just outside of San Francisco ) were doing their job, but with much difficulty. The wife walks in a wobbly sort of motion and whenever she has to stand after sitting down, she rises in a careful and slow manner. The reason for her kind of walk is because of the pain around her legs, especially when she tries to stand up. She said she  tried many tablets found in stores and advertised on TV. Unfortunately, they barely helped her condition. One day, a visitor shared that he had something that might help her condition, and she agreed to try it. Three days later, she called the visitor who gave her SB-10 Ionic Mineral Drops. She asked if he could please come back and tell her friends about the amazing product. According to this apartment manager, she can now walk straight, stand up without pain, and even claimed that her eye floater disappeared! 

Moreover, she noticed that since she started consuming SB-10 drops, mixed with water, her sleeping improved. Thrilled with SB-10, she sent a bottle to her friends in Chicago. These Chicago friends are sisters who have trouble falling asleep. After these sisters began drinking SB-10, they can sleep well - and even joked that their problem now is difficulty waking up! 



Rick works for an electronic company in the Selicon Valley. His job is to inpect assembled products using a “gun-like” electronic tester. Rick has to raise his hands and squeese the “trigger” in the process of doing the tests. He does this numerous times a day and eventually, his arms grew painful. He found nothing that could make the pain go away until his brother, who used SB-10 Ionic Mineral Drops, suggested he try it too. Rick was amazed how in just after 15-20 minutes, the pain in his arms went away! 



Noel is one of those guys who can’t be stopped if he has something good to share. His problem was that he wanted to share SB-10 Ionic Mineral Drops with a group of people holding a meeting at his friend’s house, but the hours were growing late at night. Fortunately, Noel was like a brother to the homeowner's wife, and she agreed to have her visitors listen to Noel’s testimonies about the product. The visitors finally left the house around 11:00 p.m. Two days later, Noel received a call from the homeowner. He explained that he and his wife nearly had a fight after the SB-10 presentation. They were in strong disagreements over how his wife insisted that people not leave their house until Noel finished sharing about SB-10. However, he ended up thanking his wife the following day because of what SB-10 did for him. He explained that he had pain around his legs and could not stand up at work for more than ten minutes. The doctors could not find out what to do with his problem, since nothing seemed to work to ease his pain. Yet in just one day of using SB-10, the suffering in his legs was gone! As for the wife, she said that at least four different ailments were helped by using SB-10 Ionic Mineral Drops.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not in any way intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or ailment. If you are unsure whether or not you should use SB-10, please consult your doctor. 

** These testimonials are SB-10 community's experiences and we are simply sharing what these individuals decided to do. When facing an alarming/emergency situation, you should decide and act for yourself, with wisdom and discernment, what is best for you and your loved one(s). **
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